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I love Classic Rock and The Blues, old houses and antique stained glass.  I like walks in the woods, nature photography, and looking at the stars. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Party is Over? Maybe

Is it time to call it a day? What a bunch of babies! There is certainly a lot of blame to go around, but now is not the time for Congress to point fingers. The American people are disgusted enough with the lack of leadership concerning the Wall Street financial crisis; but the refusal of Congress to find an equitable solution to this problem is criminal. Do we really expect any more? It is just business as usual on Capital Hill.

As Wall Street continues to falter, life goes on...

No one wants to pay for this mess, but I hope we don't end up losing even more before a plan is hammered out. We have lost money, sure; but will we continue to lose the respect we have for our elected leaders.

I hope this bailout crisis will make everyone aware how important it is to vote in the upcoming election in November. Hopefully, people will stay interested in the 2008Presidential election. I fear apathy could take its place as we watch Congress fight among themselves rather than take a real interest in resolving the immediate crisis.

I believe I am feeling stressed and a little helpless myself. I don't like this feeling. I like being in control of my future. Obviously, someone else is in the position to dictate what can happen in my life and to my life savings. Greed is a hungry monster.

I hope Congressional grandstanding will become less important as the next few days go by, and I hope a plan can be agreed upon for the good of the American people as well as for the financial wellness of our banks and Wall Street.

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