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I love Classic Rock and The Blues, old houses and antique stained glass.  I like walks in the woods, nature photography, and looking at the stars. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Walk away

I recently had a discussion with a co-worker that turned into a contest of who could "top" the other in a war of words. It is so irritating when a person just keeps pushing, pushing, pushing...until you say something stupid just to try to get the better of them. When will I ever learn! I was so frustrated. My mind was telling me to walk away, but my instincts were wanting to annihilate and devastate the opponent.

What pleasure does a person get from setting up an argument? Why didn't I just walk away and dismiss the situation? Even though I knew better, I didn't do better. Simple.

Did I learn a lesson? Of course. Will I be able to use this insight in the future. I sure hope so. No one can make you feel like a fool... unless you act like one.

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