It's not fair! Why does the refrigerator have to leak, the car battery has to die (twice, I might add), and then the house keys go missing after I have locked myself out the door. I just want to go to bed and pull the covers over my head...or dash my head on the rocks. I'm afraid to find out what will happen next.Thank goodness all these things can be resolved, but it is just frustrating to have to deal with them. I had other plans for my day off!
Stress can come in all shapes and sizes; how we deal with it can determine our mental and physical health. Or just maybe our mental and physical health determines how we deal with stress. It is so important to keep yourself on an even keel; getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods and drinking enough water. Take care of yourself first and all else will fall in place.
And I'm lucky to have a good friend who didn't judge when I freaked out and couldn't find my keys. Friends can help reduce your stress by helping you work through your problems and by just being there when you need them. And those might just find them exactly where you put them...
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