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I love Classic Rock and The Blues, old houses and antique stained glass.  I like walks in the woods, nature photography, and looking at the stars. 

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Blue butterfly

I saw the most beautiful butterfly yesterday. It had close to a three inch wingspan and was deep blue. It was on the grass in my front yard and at first I thought it wasn't alive. I thought this would be great to photograph, so I tried to scoop it up by placing my hand under it with my palm up. To my surprise the butterfly started walking into my palm. I stood up straight with the butterfly in my open palm and just when I thought it couldn't get any better...the butterfly took flight and was lifted by the warm summer air...up and away.

I must say, it was one of those moments. I felt more calm and at ease the rest of the day than I had felt in quite a while. There is just something about experiencing such beauty that lets one know that things are going to be OK even in an uncertain world.

Peace to all. I hope each of you can find that feeling of wonder and joy today.

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