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I love Classic Rock and The Blues, old houses and antique stained glass.  I like walks in the woods, nature photography, and looking at the stars. 

Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm tired of this

I am tired of trying to figure out what I should do. Do I buy, sell, or hold. It's not that I have all that in the stock market, but I do have some. And I don't like losing.

Maybe it's the loss of control I feel, knowing forces are out "there" that are determining my financial fate.

Is it true that Obama won the election because of the bad economy?

What are we going to do? Will we have the guts to buckle down and start paying our way instead of borrowing it? How much do we owe to foreign countries? Can our government ever get itself under control and start spending OUR money on the people of the United States instead of making huge interest payments on the money we owe others?

I decided I should buy a few stocks while the prices are low, but now I am second guessing myself and wondering if it is worth it. I decided to buy and hold on to some old timers that have been around for decades, hoping that they can weather any storm. I feel like a kid still believing in Santa Claus. Only time will tell if I get the gift or the bucket of coal and ashes.

If we had listened to history, we would have learned that we can only count on the money that is in the bank, not on that elusive money that is only on paper. We need to put a real value on things rather than an inflated idea of what we think it is worth. Oh, but wait...if we did that???

What to do, what to do...

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