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I love Classic Rock and The Blues, old houses and antique stained glass.  I like walks in the woods, nature photography, and looking at the stars. 

Monday, September 8, 2008

"Opening the Door"

T'ai Chi is an ancient routine of traditional movements, which when put together in the proper frame of mind, can be a wonderful exercise for the body and the soul. Many of us can remember the opening ceremonies of the 2008 Olympics when large numbers of Chinese showed the world the beauty of the fluid exercises.

I bought a T'ai Chi beginners kit by Gaiam which included a CD instructional video, a booklet with excerpts by a well-known author and teacher, and the 1-pound Chi ball. I am in love. The movements and gentle exercises are perfect for someone like me. I like the idea of relaxing and quieting my mind while giving my body a good work-out with strength and control. I am just a beginner, but I do believe this can become a life long search of the balance in mental and physical health.

With exercise movements having descriptive names such as "Opening the Door," "Waving Hands Like Clouds," "Parting the Wild Horses Mane," and "Embracing the Moon," it is easy to see the image in your mind. As a T'ai Chi proverb says "Where the mind goes, the ch'i follows."

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